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Sevenoaks School Vision 2032

Strategic Masterplan


Sevenoaks, Kent



Procurement Route



Sevenoaks School

If you would like to get in touch, please give us a call or email the office

[email protected]

020 7636 1036

Strategic Masterplanning of site wide development.

Sevenoaks was founded in 1418 but is still one of the world's top international baccalaureate schools. The school has a beautiful site, overlooking Knole Park's Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

We have been working with the school, developing a Masterplan and delivering award-winning buildings such as the Science, Technology & Global Center and the new luxurious boarding house, Aisher House.

As part of the masterplan, there are 20 additional developments, both large and small, that will provide outstanding facilities on a variety of levels.

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